Hematite stunning designs
Hematite is derived from the Greek word for blood, and this is due to the color produced when the stone is crushed or scratched. It is a derivative of the iron stone. Hematite occurs in igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Large iron ore bodies of hematite are found in regionally metamorphosed rocks of sedimentary origin. Hematite is a dark grey stone with a metallic luster. Sometimes referred to as 'gunmetal grey'. Hematite beads is used in smaller gauge captive bead rings.
Rock Crystal
The transparent colorless variety of quartz is still known as rock crystal. Long ago, people believed that rock crystal was a compact form of ice: crystallos actually means "frozen." The best rock crystal has the clarity and shimmer of water. Although colorless quartz is relatively common, large flawless specimens are not, which is why crystal balls these days are made of glass, not quartz.
Rock crystal has often been used in jewelry, particularly carved pieces. Many stunning jewelry designs featured the black and white quartz combination of rock crystal and onyx. Colorless quartz crystals have also become popular in jewelry due to the popularity of legends about their powers. Many people believe that wearing quartz crystals benefits a person's health and spiritual well being.
Rose Quartz
The pale pink color of quartz, which can range from transparent to translucent, is known as rose quartz. The color is a very pale and delicate powder pink.
Transparent rose quartz is very rare and is usually so pale that it does not show very much color except in large sizes. The translucent quality of rose quartz is available and is used for beads, cabochons, carvings, and architectural purposes.
Hematite Power Beads is anti-depressant, helps in grounding and balancing your life . It creates balance between the mind and body, and relieve stress. In the West hematite associated with healing from wounds. Wear Hematite Power Beads with black onyx to get rid of the problems in your life!
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