Conflict-Free Logo Shows Jewelers' Commitment to Stop the Conflict Diamond Trade
Jewelers and online jewelry stores have a new badge of honor adorning their websites. A new “conflict-free logo” provided by StopBloodDiamonds organization is the new badge of honor used by jewelers all over the globe to show their commitment in helping stop the flow of conflict diamonds. The new logo cannot be used just by anybody but is available for use only by members of the said website.
To be a member of jewelers and jewelry stores need only to sign up with the website. There is no joining fee but applicants need to agree to the policies set by the website regarding the non-participation in the trade of questionable diamonds before they can be approved as members. The website not only expects its members to never buy and sell conflict diamonds but to also help in creating awareness about the issue. After a jeweler or jewelry store has become a member, StopBloodDiamonds organization then lets the new member display the conflict-free logo on its website or homepage. The conflict-free logo serves a signal to all consumers and visitors of the website that the online jewelry store does not engage in the buying and selling of conflict diamonds and that it is committed to help stop the illicit trade.
Conflict diamonds are diamonds that originate from areas controlled by forces or factions opposed to legitimate and internationally recognized governments, and are used to fund military action in opposition to those governments, or in contravention of the decisions of the Security Council.
A well-structured 'Certificate of Origin' regime can be an effective way of ensuring that only legitimate diamonds -- that is, those from government-controlled areas -- reach market. Additional controls by Member States and the diamond industry are needed to ensure that such a regime is effective. These measures might include the standardization of the certificate among diamond exporting countries, transparency, auditing and monitoring of the regime and new legislation against those who fail to comply.
The new step is simple. It only requires jewelers and jewelry store owners to sign up for membership at the Stop Blood Diamonds website. Membership is free but as mentioned earlier requires members to adopt the site’s policies against conflict diamond trade as part of their store policy. After jewelers and store owners have signed up, they then have the privilege of putting up a Stop Blood Diamonds Conflict Free logo on their websites. The easily identifiable logo will be an effective means for consumers to determine that website’s policies regarding conflict diamonds without having to search through it just to look for a written policy. This will also ease the minds of potential buyers who are becoming increasingly aware and educated about this extremely immoral trade practice.
For those interested in knowing more about acquiring the logo for their site you can visit StopBloodDiamonds and read more about the policies your store need to adopt to be able to join. Costumers can also visit the website to know more about conflict diamonds and what the diamond industry is doing regarding the issue.
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