Monday, December 04, 2006

Jewish jewelry and Egyptian jewelry for your wedding

Unusual pieces of jewelry can be quite fascinating and many people look for special designs like those of Jewish jewelry and Egyptian jewelry. Such articles are not only beautiful artifacts, but they also give a feel of ancient times, when they were more than decorative objects and had magic and symbolic significance. Such was the case with antique Egyptian jewelry, whose motifs often had mystical connotations. Jewish wedding rings and Egyptian wedding rings, with beautiful designs and inscriptions are highly popular nowadays. The symbols and common motifs on both Jewish jewelry and Egyptian jewelry still have special significance for certain wearers, who are very familiar with Egyptian and Jewish jewelry meaning.

Wedding rings are very important items of jewelry, and you must look carefully before you choose the perfect Jewish wedding rings or Egyptian wedding rings. Such pieces of Jewish jewelry and Egyptian jewelry used to play a very important part in the wedding ceremony in days of yore. With most people, wedding rings still have an essential function, symbolizing the couple’s union. This is why they want the design their Jewish jewelry or Egyptian jewelry to include traditional motifs with appropriate symbolic connotations, according to the legendary Egyptian and Jewish jewelry meaning. Today’s artifacts are inspired by old models of Jewish and antique Egyptian jewelry.

If Jewish wedding rings and Egyptian wedding rings have their own cultural peculiarities, they also share a few common features. These articles of Jewish jewelry and Egyptian jewelry are usually made of gold, although silver models are also available. According to the traditional Egyptian and Jewish jewelry meaning, the rings exchanged by the couple symbolize continuity and perfection. Such pieces of Jewish jewelry and Egyptian jewelry are also thought to have protective properties, ensuring that the union is harmonious. A common symbol of life and fertility, often present in the design of antique Egyptian jewelry, including on wedding rings, is the Egyptian Cross, or the ankh.

Apart from their round shape, meant to symbolize continuity and the couple’s hope that their marriage will last forever, Jewish wedding rings and Egyptian wedding rings can include special motifs or inscriptions in their design, either suggested by the artisan who makes them or chosen by the customers themselves. For those interested in purchasing this type of Jewish jewelry or Egyptian jewelry, there is a variety of products available, similar to traditional Jewish and antique Egyptian jewelry. Special requests can easily be catered for and you can always ask for a particular inscription on your chosen wedding rings, with hieroglyphs or words of high importance within the general Egyptian and Jewish jewelry meaning.

In the past, both Jewish wedding rings and Egyptian wedding rings could be simple bands of gold, with no embellishments whatsoever. It is highly common now for those keen on Jewish jewelry and Egyptian jewelry to have design of their rings enriched with certain motifs or inscriptions thought to have particular significance within the general Egyptian and Jewish jewelry meaning. Both the motifs and inscriptions of holy words or hieroglyphs included in wedding ring designs are meant to bring good fortune, health and prosperity to the couple, as well as harmony and fertility. Some symbols are thought to have protective properties, keeping all evil away, like the scarab, present on many articles of antique Egyptian jewelry.

Apart from traditional motifs and phrases, both Jewish wedding rings and Egyptian wedding rings can be customized according to your special requirements regarding your chosen Jewish jewelry or Egyptian jewelry. There are couples who prefer to inscribe or raise their own names inside the rings, and this choice dates back to the faraway past, when inscriptions were made on amulets and on other pieces of traditional Jewish or antique Egyptian jewelry out of the common belief that the written word lasts forever. This is why the phrases inscribed were considered particularly important, with a strong positive influence on the wearer, according to the traditional Egyptian and Jewish jewelry meaning.

If jewelry is generally worn for esthetic purposes, it has to have a deeper meaning when it comes to wedding rings. Both Jewish wedding rings and Egyptian wedding rings are special among other types of jewelry, because they have high symbolic connotations. According to the old tradition regarding the Egyptian and Jewish jewelry meaning, these articles of Egyptian jewelry and Jewish jewelry both stand for and protect the couple’s union. Such is the case with most items whose designed is inspired from traditional Jewish and antique Egyptian jewelry. On the one hand, they are both beautiful objets d’art with an esthetic role; on the other hand, they have a symbolic function, much like the amulets worn in ancient times.