Loose Diamonds
Diamonds are girl’s best friend. Their good looks and rarity combine to make diamonds a sought-after gem for a woman’s jewelry box.
Loose diamonds are becoming more popular because jewelry makers are more eager to design for individuals. Loose diamonds are diamonds that have not been placed into a piece of jewelry. There are benefits of having loose diamonds. They can be placed as any piece of jewelry the person wants, and in the type of metal with the style of design of your choice.
If you are considering buying loose diamonds, or any other diamonds, certain points have to keep in mind. 4 Cs: cut, color, clarity and carat. These four aspects of grading a diamond allow a buyer to decide its worth. The 4 C’s decide how much loose diamonds and placed diamonds will cost. However, a buyer has to decide priority in selecting a diamond.
People generally misunderstood cut as diamond’s shape. In fact, cut is different from shape. Shape concerns the appearance of the diamond i.e. whether the diamond is round, emerald-cut, or pear-shaped. Cut also determines how the surfaces cut into a diamond imitate and refract beam. Buyers must look for cuts that enhance the radiance of the diamond at its best.
Color decides the amount of yellow touch present in the diamond. Generally, the scale, from “D” to “Z,” ranges diamonds from colorless to those with a pale yellow touch. Some diamonds in the “H-J” range may look almost colorless, but much sparkle than diamonds with less color. Usually they are less expensive too.
Clarity determines the flaws in the diamond. A diamond's clarity is judged by the number, color, type, size and position of inclusions it carries. The lesser inclusions the stone has, the more valuable it is. Choose a diamond that is has fewer inclusions.
Carat refers to the weight of the diamond. According to the Diamond Information Center, the larger a diamond, the rarer it is. Usually, a heavier diamond is a larger one, but carat does strictly mean weight.
You can purchase loose diamonds through online, but it is always good to see the actual stone before paying it off. A picture can only confirm so much, and the buyer should be certain about the stone before buying. Seeing the gem up close is also the only sure way of determining things like its glow and radiance.
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