Make An Intelligent Use Of Your Valuable Assets To Materialise Your Valuable Dreams
Every man tries to acquire and treasure some kind of asset, such as home, land, precious jewellery, valuable shares and stocks, etc. in his life. Valuable assets come to our rescue during the trying times of our financial life. Assets have some value attached to them that can be utilised by the asset owner to receive financial aid during the phase(s) of monetary shortfall.
Secured loans provide an opportunity to the asset owners to make use of the equity in their assets for raising the capital necessary to fulfil their needs and desires. A secured loan is offered against a collateral security, which may be any valuable asset owned by the potential borrower. Secured loans are known as homeowner loans or home equity loans when the loan is offered exclusively against home equity.
Secured Loans are useful when you require to borrow a large amount of funds to realize your 'big' dreams and desires. The homeowners can make use of secured loans to unlock the equity present in their homes and use the home equity for their needs. Home equity is the difference between current market value of your home and the outstanding mortgage amount against the home. A homeowner is free to use this home equity for raising capital during financial shortfall.
The interest rate on a secured loan is higher as compared to the mortgage rate. This is because the bank/lender offering a secured loan has a second claim on the home/property. This risk premium gets reflected as the increased rate in your home equity loan agreement (as compared to the mortgage rate). However, the loan taken against home equity is much cheaper than an unsecured loan as the presence of security lowers the risk borne by the lender. A secured loan is a cost-effective means to consolidate your high-interest debts, such as credit card balances, medical bills, higher education bills and so on.
So, make an intelligent use of your 'material assets' to add value to the 'biggest asset' bestowed by God...your life!
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