Gem stones and their various medicinal uses
Ayurveda and to some extent Unani (both Indian branches of science using natural curative methods) lay great emphasis on the use of gem stones in medicinal preparations. They are used both as ashes (bhasma) as well as in powder (pishti) form for treatment of critical ailments. The procedures for preparing these medicines are time-consuming and complicated. All medication, however, should be under the strict supervision and advice of a qualified Ayurvedic or Unani physician. The gems are listed in alphabetical order.
Agate: Used with kewra, a strong-smelling flower extract it is said to strengthen the heart, cure fainting fits, alleviate liver troubles, bleeding and diseases caused by stones in parts of the body. It also rejuvenates, physically and mentally.
Amber: Cures all disorders caused by wind, bile and phlegm in the body. Also relieves colic pain.
Blue Sapphire: Broken pieces are ground in rose, kewra and water. The smooth paste is administered orally to cure fevers, epilepsy, insanity and hiccups.
Bloodstone: Used in powder form, it cures bilious problems. The paste is applied to remove eruptions caused by excess bile (pitti).
Coral: A paste obtained by rubbing coral in mortar with rose or kewra water, is believed to a prevent abortion when applied on the navel of a pregnant woman. Coral powder mixed in rose water & dried and then taken with honey provides strength to the body.
Cat's eye: Used as pisthi to treat problems caused by excess of phlegm, cough and piles. The bhasma provides vitality & strength and cures certain eye diseases.
Diamond: Powdered diamond is a absolutely forbidden for oral use. Only its ashes (bhasma) strictly prepared under supervision are prescribed. The bhasma gives relief and cures tuberculosis, insanity (of certain kinds), dropsy, diabetes, ulcers in the anus, anaemia and inflammation. It is said to prolong life if taken over a period of time and gives one a radiant appearance. If a piece of the gem should get into the stomach by accident, immediate steps should be taken to get it out, for diamonds can cut the intestines and cause death.
Emerald: Mixed in rose or kewra water it is used for urinary troubles and diseases of the heart. The bhasma provides coolness to the body and controls nausea, asthma, indigestion, piles and jaundice.
Garnet: Has the same properties as ruby but is not effective. The bhasma stops bleeding and melts stones in the kidney, urinary bladder and gall bladder.
Gomedha: Mixed in rose, kewra or red musk water, it helps reduce colic, skin diseases and piles.
Kidney stone: Wearing the stone itself is said to give relief from colic pain. The same effects is had by applying the paste by rubbing the rose water on the affected area.
Opal: It improves the appetite and helps cure fevers.
Pearl: A good pearl (not pierced) mixed in rose or kewra water, made into paste, dried and taken orally, is very beneficial for diseases caused by calcium deficiency. The ashes provide relief to body heat, are good for the eyes and cure tuberculosis, chronic fevers, cough, breathing problems, palpitation, high blood pressure, heart ailments, exhaustion and weaknesses.
Ruby: Used both in ash and powder form, it is said to produce more blood and improve circulation. Cures problems caused by excess wind and disorders of the stomach, prolongs life. The bhasma has the ability to suppress wind, bile and phlegm in the body, give relief in tuberculosis colic pain, eye diseases, leprosy and impotency. The ashes also relieve excessive heat and burning sensations.
White sapphire: Mixed in rose or kewra water, the paste is dried and used to relieve nausea, wind problems, phlegm, stomach disorders, indigestion, leprosy and piles.
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