Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Which Magnets are the Best for Magnetic Therapy Healing?

Magnetic therapy has gained a lot of interest from the press in the last few years. This article looks at what are the most effective magnets for magnetic therapy healing. First lets discuss the different types of therapeutic magnets.

Not all magnets are created equal. Magnets come in many shapes and forms. Magnets are used for hundreds of applications from large industry purposes like the automotive industry to domestic applications such as audio speakers; you will even find them in your television. With so many different types, shapes, and strengths of magnets it can be easy to mistake an industrial magnet for a healing magnet. I will discuss the difference between the various materials magnets can be made from and their applications.

Ferrite magnets

Hard ferrite (ceramic) magnets were developed in the 1960's as a low cost alternative to metallic magnets. They are made from strontium carbonate and iron oxide both of which are readily available and low in cost. Even though they exhibit low magnetic fields (compared with other permanent magnet materials),ferrite magnets are widely used for industrial and domestic purposes. Ferrite magnets have good resistance to demagnetization, excellent corrosion resistance and the biggest advantage of such economic cost.

Ferrite magnets are made in many shapes and sizes, cylinders, bars, discs, horse shoes and rings.

The positive benefits of ferrite magnets are

• They retain their magnetism for a very long time.

• They have a high stability and do not demagnetise very easily even in high temperatures.

• They are relatively low cost to produce.

• They can be manufactured to be flexible, by mixing the ferrite with plasticized rubber compounds, which creates a bendy and pliable magnet.

The main drawback of ferrite magnets is that they are quite fragile and tend to break easily, so they should be handled with care.

Ferrite magnets are used for healing purposes. They are commonly found in magnetic therapy wraps, straps, magnetic bedding and shoe insoles (using flexible ferrite magnets). Whilst ferrite magnets will keep their magnetism for a very long time you must always be careful to ensure that their strength is adequate. Each magnet should be at least 800 gauss. You should also be wary of products that could be easily damaged as once the magnets are broken the magnetic device should be discarded.

Neodymium magnets

Neodymium magnets are a member of the rare earth magnet family and are the most powerful permanent magnets in the world. They are also referred to as NdFeB magnets, or NIB, because they are composed mainly of Neodymium (Nd), Iron (Fe) and Boron (B). They are a relatively new invention, first manufactured in 1984 and have only recently become affordable for everyday use.

Neodymium rare earth magnets have a high resistance to demagnetization, unlike most other types of magnets. They will not lose their magnetization around other magnets or if dropped. They will however, begin to lose strength if they are heated above their maximum operating temperature, which is 176°F (80°C)

If you have never handled neodymium magnets before, you will be amazed at their strength. Neodymium magnets are over 10 x stronger than the strongest ceramic magnets. If you are currently using ceramic magnets in your project, you could probably use a much smaller neodymium magnet and have greater force.

Neodymium magnets also have some limitations due to their corrosion behaviour. In humid applications, a protective coating is highly recommended. Coatings which have been used successfully include E-coat (a liquid dip epoxy coating), dry electrostatic spray epoxy, nickel plating and combinations of these coatings. Changes in composition and processing over the past several years have resulted in significant improvements in corrosion resistance and high temperature performance.

Just like ferrite magnets neodymium magnets come in the same wide array of shapes and sizes, but because of their greatly increased size it is possible to use a measurably smaller neodymium magnet and still have an equal or greater strength than that of a ferrite magnet. This is one of the main reasons why neodymium magnets are much more widely used for healing purposes than ferrite, as a much smaller and lighter weighing magnet can be used.

The positive benefits of neodymium magnets are:

• They are the strongest magnets available approximately 10 times stronger than ferrite magnets.

• They are very lightweight.

• They do not demagnetise very easily and can with stand temperatures up to 80 C.

• They can be manufactured to a very small size e.g.2mm x 2mm and still have a strength of several thousand gauss.

The main drawback of neodymium magnets is that they have a low resistance to corrosion. To prevent corrosion from water, they must be coated with plating or an epoxy resin.

Neodymium magnets are used for all magnetic therapy healing applications. They are the first choice due to their strength and size. They will also stay magnetised for at least 10 years, so they are a very economical choice for users. Most good quality magnetic therapy jewellery, straps, wraps and bedding will contain neodymium magnets.

An Alternative to Body Piercing Jewellery

A Body Piercing is exactly that. Whether it is a piercing made by, hopefully, a sterile needle or a sliver of skin removed from an intimate part of the body usually the nostrils, eyebrows, belly button and more commonly nowadays the nipples.

If the piercing is performed under a safe and clean environment then everything should be Ok however there are increasing instances of infections arising from piercings Some of the health risks are.

Chronic Infection.
Prolonged Bleeding.
Staphylococcus aureus

We all know about the common infections but do we know about Staph.

Staph is the shortened form of Staphylococcus (pronounced: staf-uh-low-kah-kus), a type of bacteria. These bacteria can live harmlessly on many skin surfaces, especially around the nose, mouth, genitals, and anus. But when the skin is punctured, pierced or broken for any reason, staph bacteria can enter the wound and cause an infection.

In fact if you are thinking of donating blood there are a number of organizations that will not accept blood if piercings have been carried out within the last year.

So what can one do to avoid the above but still wear body jewellery?

The alternative is Non Piercing Jewellery a perfectly safe way of wearing body adornments without the possible risks that could affect ones health

There are a number of web sites that specialize in this form of fashionable accessories. Skillfully combining silver, gold and crystals some wonderful designs are available for most parts of the body without the need to lose parts of your body or suffer the pain usually involved in piercing.

Silver or gold body rings can be attached to the eyebrows, nostrils, and belly button by gently squeezing them onto the folds of skin firmly enough to attach them. For the under sixteen’s who want the ‘in’ look but cannot have piercings then non piercing will do the trick.

A bit of gossip now, Victoria Beckham, Yes David Beckhams wife, wore a non piercing lip ring at one of her last concerts and the newspapers actually thought she had had her lip pierced until all was revealed.

Adjustable rings can be used for nipple enhancement which gives a similar feeling to a pierced nipple but no pain and can be removed at will.

Dangles can be fitted to the rings using various forms of crystals which also enhance the body areas. Gold and silver nipple shields without the need of a permanent attachment to hold them in place can be easily fitted by using the fitted adjustable rings.

There will always be a massive market in the piercing industry and retailers of piercing products will grow and grow, just look at the amount of sites and products available on the net at the moment however as the health issue is a growing concern amongst a number of people non piercing jewellery is becoming stronger.

For women or men wanting to wear body adornments but nervous of the effect of piercings the answer is to use non piercing jewellery and enjoy the pleasure without the pain.

A World Cup Guide to Berlin

Out of the twelve German cities to play hosts to the FIFA 2006 World Cup Finals it is Berlin - Germany's capital - that has arguably the most important role to play. It is in this city on Sunday 9th July that two teams will contest the final game of the tournament, and one of those teams will claim the ultimate prize in international football…the World Cup.

The stadium in which the Final will take place is Berlin's Olympic Stadium - the very same venue that was used for the 1936 Olympic Games where Jessie Owen claimed four gold medals. In preparation for the FIFA 2006 World Cup finals the Olympic Stadium has undergone a complete renovation. Some 242 million euros were invested to bring the stadium into the 21st century. Work was completed in July 2004, and in September of that year Brazil met Germany for the inaugural international game.

Aside from the World Cup Final on 9th July, Berlin's Olympic Stadium hosts a number of other World Cup matches. Brazil play Croatia here on 13th June, Sweden take on Paraguay in Group B on the 15th June, and Ecuador will attempt to defeat the hosts Germany at Berlin on the 20th. Ukraine face-off against Tunisia on the final day of group competition in the tournament too, while Berlin will be home to the first 2006 World Cup quarter-final on 30th June.

Berlin Sights

Berlin has so much to offer visitors this summer. There are world famous monuments, parks, restaurants, shops, museums and a zoo to take in. Two 'must see' attractions that should top everyone's list are Brandenburg Gate and the TV Tower.

Brandenburg Gate

Arguably Berlin's most famous monument, the Brandenburg Gate towers 20 metres high into the Berlin sky. It was built in 1791 and survived the conquest of Napoleon, but was badly damaged in the Second World War. For years it stood as a partition between East and West Germany as part of the Berlin Wall. Today, it is a symbol of a reunited Germany.

The TV Tower

Affectionately known as the 'toothpick' the TV Tower near Alexander Square is the second highest in Europe. It can be seen from almost anywhere in the city and offers spectacular views from the viewing tower and restaurant. On a clear day you can see up to 25 miles out into the German countryside. It's well worth a visit!

The Ice Course

As oil, often referred to as the Black Gold is increasingly obtained from hostile environments such as in deeper waters, war zones and in seas were ice is predominant for most of the year if not all, technology has to advance in-step. As such Swire Pacific Offshore have moved into a new area of offshore supply in Sakhalin in Russia (under the name of Prisco Swire Offshore) initially by building three Ice Breaking vessels, a start to what may become a large part of their offshore business.

Alongside these three new and large Ice Breaking supply and support vessels, officers are being prepared and trained to operate them when they leave the yards next year. One form of training is the ICE course held in Victoria, Canada at the Executive House Hotel. Apart from the Hotel and the town of Victoria providing a beautiful and active setting, the seminar/course held much of interest to the twelve or so Captains, Chief Officers, Chief and Second Engineers who attended. From Russia to Britain, South Africa to Taiwan, officers of the Swire Pacific Offshore Fleet flew in to learn all about Ice Standards, Sakhalin Ice and environmental conditions, operational characteristics and performance of platform supply vessels in ice and cold conditions and the transit and escort of other vessels through ice. The course was the first of its kind held and one that sparked a lot of interest internally and externally to Swire Pacific Offshore.

The course was held by a company called AKAC Inc, led by Arno Keinonen, Naval Architect and Marine Engineer who has many years of ice breaker design, testing and operational documentation, ice offshore development and risk based operational control. Experience with 30 icebreakers including latest azimuth thruster vessel designs and trails!

If somebody were to wander past the room were the course was being held it could have been easily assumed that a bunch of hard looking men were learning to cook. Words like soup kitchens, cakes and egg codes and grease were bandied around freely and had one listened to some of the accents in use it would further lead to the assumption that the fare was to be Russian! All things considered (though the food was excellent at dinner) this course was not about food but about ice and should anybody now assume that two hours would have covered the content rather than the two days given they would be equally as wrong.

Different forms of ice exist in different parts of the world. Sakhalin is not iceberg territory and so any images of titanic disasters or looming bergs can be dispelled immediately. Ice in Sakhalin occurs for most of the year with only August and September being typically ice free months. The ice is highly dynamic, it constantly moves around the island, often leaving the area and away before returning. Generally the ice forms in what is called the Soup Kitchen north of the Island, the ice is generally on the move and is formed of ridges and rubble up to what will hopefully be no more than one meter thick.

The scope of the course covers more than just ice conditions; it enters into the arena of how the cold temperatures affect vessel operations, the dangers to personnel when working outside in these temperatures and the dangers of ice pressure and weather whilst working the vessel at the rigs. It includes such details as how to read satellite images and helicopter observations of current ice conditions; how to interpret egg charts (the international standards for ice characteristics) and how to plan vessel courses to counter ice movement.

One aspect of the seminar that probably sparked most interest was the new methods developed to break ice. The traditional idea of ramming large chunks of ice at high speed has for all practical purposed been superceded by more practical and less damaging to the vessel approaches. The new ice breakers being built certainly maintain the designed capacity to ram at speed but also include alternative methods to clear channels through the ice and to move ice away from the rigs. The simplest method is to ram but instead of relying on the ice to crack with the impact these vessels ride up on top thus using the weight of the vessel to break up the ice beneath the hull. The ice cracks with the sheer mass above and is pushed underneath the vessel, to the sides and away. Alternatively the two azimuth propellers clear channels by using the wash they produce to redirect the ice away from the vessel often with the vessel steaming astern. In this manner channels can be easily cleared that are far larger than the beam of the vessel, thus becoming suitable for channel clearance for tankers or vessels of larger beams.

As oil gets deeper, becomes harder to extract and as it becomes scarcer the challenges for those involved in its extraction get bigger. The Sakhalin project is only the start of what may become a massive operation and it is only through such courses as these that personnel involved become proficient, safe and confident in their new line of work - able to enjoy the challenges ahead!

A Romance in Augsburg [Chapters: 8 & 9: A New Female Friend]

She had been truthful in telling me she had another boyfriend, a rich one at that, with a Mercedes, in which she often drove his car. She even took the effort to talk about him, indicating that she had told him about me; without being offensive or obvious, she seemed to be asking for permission to continue the relationship with both of us, and to talk about both with me, or to see how I would dealing with him. For the most part, I had put him deep in the back of my mind, so far back in a little box, I didn’t want to open it up: I would have preferred have left it: ‘Out of site, out of mind.’ He was not only a lover of hers I had learned, but also a support system for her. He was older than her—she told me, I think she said thirty-five, and she wanted both of us to meet one another someday. Strange I thought at the time.

Solitude was what I wanted to give him; couldn’t believe when she asked me to meet him, what for. She said he was the one who really wanted it to come about, more than her, she protested. The man thing again I suppose. I said I’d go along with it, even though I didn’t understand the reasoning behind it—fully; it was beyond my grasp of perceptiveness, why. On the other hand, she wasn’t asking for it to take place tomorrow, or next month for that matter. Not yet anyway; so I didn’t need to nurture it for the moment. I was a little surprised he allowed it, a love-circle of sorts to be constructed, why did he not say forget that American private: --the Germans didn’t like us all that much anyway. Maybe he was as mixed up as I, or more understanding than I.

She was always with good manners, even when she brought bad news it seemed, no guilt, or at least she would not acknowledge it. And she did not want an argument out of it, nor I, I was getting what I wanted I suppose, and so was she. I think she expected me to try and put a stop to it, but when I didn’t she was going along for the ride also; to we’d see how long it would last.

I still needed to figure out how to share her without being jealous. Something I did not—really did not, need to bring up, nor did she. On the other hand, I knew I needed to adopt a new philosophy to survive in this sharing world; or this developing love-circle, except she was doing the playing around, not me. And so I chose an alternate plan, a plan B, you could say; that I could love and date beyond her: if she could have other interests beyond me, so could I.

Yet for some reason I feared telling her this, bathing the idea it would cause our relationship to disappear, and so I’d take baby steps at this, as a result, discouraging myself to talk about it, and if I ended up at a party equal to her lover’s relationship, so be it, I’ll plunge into it. Although it will not be for revenge, but rather out of boredom, and to break that bond a little, the one that ties you to the other person (the codependent bond), while they are untying your knots. Surely if I found another she’d understand. So I thought.

A New Female Friend

This morning was payday, a Friday to boot, and my three southern friends from the barracks over at the ammo-battery, where I was first assigned at Reese Kasarine, wanted to meet me outside the Soldiers Club on the compound, and so we met.

It was great meeting them again—we shook hands, lit up cigarettes, talked about what was happening in our lives. I told them about Chris, although they had heard I was dating someone, they didn’t know her name. They mentioned they had met Audrey, a young girl we all three met at a guesthouse the first month I was in Germany. Both Josh [my size, about nineteen years old from Alabama], Tim [taller than I, with ulcers, from Arkansas’], and Henry [Buck Sergeant from Tennessee] had not dated any of Audrey’s friends or Audrey herself, but they kept going to the same guesthouse she catered to and ended up getting invited to a party, a party that was going to take place this very evening, Audrey had said to Josh: “…bring Chick, and yourselves along, ” and so they were inviting me.

As we leaned against the building smoking a cigarette, I remembered Audrey slightly, I was a bit drunk when we met, and I did dance with her at the disco where we had met, she was a mulatto, very kind and not bad looking, about my age maybe a little younger, and the guesthouse came to mind again. I think she had wanted to get it on with me that night that first night we had met, she had said “Sir—” and I had said, “yaw?” and she added, “let’s go to my place…” but that was when I had curfews, and had to retreat…but maybe she still had an interest in me.

“Let’s go tonight, 7:00 PM,” said Josh with his strong southern accent, and excited vice.

I had not dated Audrey nor really cared to after that first meeting, and especially after finding Chris, but Chris was tied up with her other boyfriend this evening, and I wasn’t really shopping around looking, but why stay at the barracks and do nothing but get drunk and look at the walls.

“Sure, let’s all go, ok!!” I said with a decisive voice. I had made up my mind I was not going to stop my life for Chris, nor was she for me evidently. Next, we then went inside the club and we started to play ping pong, I figured we’d play a few games and then pool, have early dinner at the mess-hall, and then get dressed, get some booze, have a few beers and head on down to Audrey’s party.

Audrey was not as well off as Chris, rather, she lived in a big apartment complex on the shady side of the city, but she was kind and friendly, -- there was cuteness to her, and her mixture of a light-black skin, with her German accent made it quite interesting. For some odd reason, I had always felt above her in a way, or at least felt we were equal. With Chris, I almost felt as if she was in the major league, and I in the minor. Like an A movie star vs. a B movie star, something like that. I didn’t let it show, nor that it bothered me, but it was there, lingering about as if it was homeless

as we all went out for a few drinks after dinner, we didn’t arrival at Audrey’s apartment until 8:00 PM, she opened the door, and the four of us walked in. Her two girlfriends were there along with three other couples. I brought along a bottle of wine and a huge bottle of beer for the party. They were playing my song as I walked through the door, El Condor Pasa.

As I walked about the tight and un-roomy little apartment, I seen the pictures of the Apollo 13 taking off in the German newspaper laying on the coffee table with a bottle of scotch next to them, where I had now put my wine and beer, there were also four bottles of Black Daniels sitting there.

It reminded me of home my old neighborhood where we would get together, several out of about twenty-two of us, and simply booze it up either at a house, bonfire, in a basement, garage, any place would do—but this place was cozy, a down to earth apartment.

Out side you could see the lights of cars passing by the apartment building complex, and the noise of their horns seeping through the windows, the wind was also picking up, you could hear that through the windowsills …and you could see the apartment shades half opened with their lights on throughout other sections and floors of the building: people standing combing their hair, others simply talking, and still others, watching TV, and so forth and so on; this apartment complex was a WWII building, it had four apartment buildings to its completeness, that encircled a large court area, like the ancient Sumerians, with a gallery one could walk around to get to the other buildings; and an arch way you had to walk through to get to one of the four doors leading into one of the four buildings. I guess for me it was unique, not especially for the Germans, which was perhaps common.

As I glanced out the window into the courtyard, there were a few trees starting to brace themselves with the oncoming winds. A few motorcars parked along side of the road, as I looked through the archway.

“You got some beer?”

“No o p…an’t got a beer yet…”

“What yaw drinking, American beer or German?”

“Here’s a big German beer Chick, I know you’ll like it…”

“Thanks Audrey.”

“I was really hoping you’d come—

Yaw, me to…”

Audrey left me for a bit to say hello to a few other people, then she came back to me, up behind me, she put her hands on my shoulders, and for a moment turned hesitantly to her girlfriend, as if she was shy, and got the ok sign to grab me…

I knew karate quite well, and broke the hold, twisted around in a stance,

“Don’t do it!” she said, as her hand left a defensive posture. Audrey stepped back, “I wanted to give you a bear-huge,” she commented. I smiled. She then grabbed my hand, and we started drinking together.

“Come on, let’s go…” she again grabbed my hand, and brought me into her bedroom, latched the door it was a little past-Midnight.

“Put your beer on the table Chick, I want to make love…” she said--quickly, double-checking the door. Her gray eyes were captivating, as she made a 180-degree turn about and jumped on me as I fell to the bed.

“I like your muscular body, and fine smooth skin, your clear shapely chest, jawbones,” she wasn’t shy, and it felt good to have a woman tell me that. Chris made love with me fine, but never really complimented me like this. Not sure why, but it felt good.

For two hours we had sex rolling around as she put some kind of oil on me, we slid on and off each other’s bodies.

We stopped for a rest, “Who are your other friends,” I asked.

“I don’t know who they were,” she said, “Connie’s friends I suppose.”

“Should we join them?”

“That’s sounds like trouble. Let’s stay here.”

Then we both fell to sleep…

we both seemed to have woken up at the same time, it was 3:15 AM, and again we had sex for 45-minutes, and again, we both fell back to sleep. It was 6:30 AM this time when I woke up, and then Audrey woke up. I looked at her privately, considering: should we try again? Her eyes giving me another invitation for round three—yup, here we go…we both ended up making love again, rolling all over each others oily bodies.

“You are my sex machine,” she commented, as she sat on top of me, waiting for me to climax.

At this point the shyness seemed to descend for both us to a somewhere else stage, I mean there was none: her voice was evident, she liked me, as it was, I did not renew her affections to insure her I would be available for her in the near future: I left well enough alone. But as she got dressed I did demonstrate a kind of connection we had made, if not for a commitment, for a friendship, and one that might lead to the same results another day.

As I opened the door, we were the only ones in the apartment, and so Audrey made me breakfast: hardboiled eggs, toast and Jelly, coffee. That was it. But I sensed she had very little money to have even given that.

“Here,” I said, handing her a five-dollar bill.

“For some groceries,” I added, feeling I had drunk her beer after mine was gone, and now eating her food. She really didn’t want to take it, but smiled and thanked me for it.

As I started walking back to base, which was about three miles west of Audrey’s apartment I found myself whistling? I was happy, ‘I did it,’ dated another girl other than Chris. I even wanted to let her know, and gaze into her eyes, let her absorbed it; but remarked to myself ‘leave dead dogs lay. No need to do that.’ I could now see the steeple that was behind Reese Military Compound. It was a good landmark for me; in case that is, in case I got lost I needed only to keep heading towards it.

The morning had a chill to it, it was fresh I liked it. Then after about twenty-five minutes of walking, a green car was approaching.

“Oh, ohhhhhhhoo shitttt,” I said “of ...ff all coincidences. IIII,


Believe it.” It is


“Where are you coming from?” asked Chris, as she stopped in the middle of the street, hanging her head out of the car window.

“I’ve been to a party, why?”

“Oh, just fine, greeeeee

ee shit-tt!” she commented, with a lump in her throat.

“What did you do at the party?”

“What do you usually do at a party Chris, get drunk?”

“No, that is not what I am asking, and

Daaa…m you know what I’m asking!”

“Ok, I met a friend a while ago, who invited me to a party. It is a girl. I am not attracted to her as I am with you, but since you are gone most of the time what do you expect. Matter-of-fact, I don’t think we need to assume anything beyond that.”

“I demand you not see her again!”

“You do what!! That seems a little unfair. You mean you can and I can’t.”

“Yes, in Germany it is ok for women to have other lovers, it is not a big thing.” She then started to cry.

“Listen,” I commented, “as unpleasant as this is, I will avoid dating other women I really do not care to date [plus it was too expensive I thought], it’s not a big thing.”

Chris smiled, she got her way, and I think she knew just how to do it; if it would have been a ‘now or nothing demand’ it would not have worked with me…girls are smart though, born with a PHDs in psychology, the day they come out of their mother’s wombs; yes, I do believe, already activated inside their female heads on how to and how not to deal with men; it is like their ‘Antivirus’ is on automatic and can come up with the exact words to win; whereas, men got flex their muscles to find a way out of their web.

“Get into the car I’ll take you back to base. We’ve acquired a smooth relationship, I believe… don’t want you to throw it away please.”

I gave her a glimpse of confirmation…nothing more.


The Barracks and the

Gold chain

That night I was with a few friends seeing if I could down a beer faster than Tony, who was the Buck-Sergeant with the girlfriend living in the barracks with him, or should I say harboring two girlfriends, on vacation from school, from the states, in the backroom. Their names were Shelly and Barb. Those three found their way up the block to the local pizza-guest house, where most of the GI’s went when they had no means of transportation, and didn’t want to get drunk at the local EM-Club [Enlisted Man’s Club] on base. Chris and I had been there a dozen times. John, joined us and his wife Jane, who had just come over to be with her husband while he served his last twelve-months of duty, they got military housing not far from base, actually right across the street from the pizza-bar were there were four, -- three stories buildings for military personnel, they lived in one of them.

“Where is Chris,” commented Tony, with his hand over the shoulders of Shelly.

“Gone to her rich boyfriend’s house,” so I told him, and everyone who asked. But they still kept it a secret from Chris, and never said much to me about it, plus tonight I was getting drunk, I didn’t care who knew.

“Hay, Ski,” I hollered “over here.”

“Chick, haven’t seen you for a while.”

“Yaw, where you been?”

“Keeping a low profile, the Military Police have been questioning me on that robbery at the PX three months ago.”

“Yaw, I heard about it,” I answered, but I knew Ski was the one that robbed the $3,000 dollars worth of cloths; matter-of-fact, Ski had showed me the amount of cloths he took; it was actually in his room, in a chest, he had the nerve: --I never could put my finger on it, but at times he frustrated me. Why I ask myself, why does he do these things, the only answer I could come up with was…because it was impossible for him to be God--, and that bothered him. He tried to give some of those cloths to me, unbelievable, why then did he still them if he wanted to give them away. I refused, thank god I did.

“Going to the mountains in Switzerland in a few days with one of your friends in the Security Barracks Chick,” Ski commented.

I said: “I hope you take it easy on him, no fights like we almost got into on the train to Munich,” Ski laughed.

The other guys were sitting at the table looking at Ski, they accepted him only when I was around; Ski was a trouble maker, and everyone knew it, and maybe that was Ski’s perk for staying friends with me, not sure.

It's All About Earrings

A stud earring dangling on your earlobe adding sparkles to your glowing face. Pair of elegant earrings you can wear everyday and stay stunning. For special occasions you can go for diamond or pearl earrings .Earrings are the simplest yet so fancy piece of jewelry.

You can get earrings with few nickels or if you want you can go precious stones like diamonds and ruby. If you have pierced your ears you can go for dangling earrings or pierce earrings. Or you have options of magnetic, clip-on, stick-on or ear cuff earrings.

Diamond earrings are possibly the most cherished earrings. Of course you need a heavy pocket to buy these pretty penny stones. Stud earrings are the most stylish of all diamond earrings. Diamond earrings are available in many fancy shapes: heart, oval, princess, pear, triangle and marquise.

If you want a jazzy pair of earrings with low price tag than gold is a good choice. Gold hoop earrings are very trendy you can go for chunky pair or just simple subtle one. Gold earring gives a very graceful look or if you want you can have hip-hop danglers. Hoop earrings are another special rang of gold earrings it includes: ram hoops, braided hoops, bamboo hoops, half rope hoops and peppy dolphin hoop.

Who can resist the satiny luster of silver earrings? Silver earrings go with every dress formal, funky or casual .Another quality of silver earrings is its low price tag. Elegant, beautiful or hip-hop just every king of earrings is available in silver.

Silver danglers are famous among women & men. Danglers combined with colorful beads, non-precious stones or crystals it give a perfect look with anything. For an easy look plain studs are just fine. Silver earrings are very famous in craft sales. As silver is the best metal to play for craft purpose.

My mother had them. Her mother had them. Pearl earrings have long since been a traditional element in any jewelry box. Whether you plan on wearing them daily or just for special occasions, pearl earrings are a must.

If we are talking of pearls how can we forget to mention pearls? Pearls earrings have sweet elegance and make exceptional style statement. A pair of pearl earring is a gift for lifetime. It may sound expensive but you can get a pair within $60dollars! Don’t you thing you must buy a pair.