Saturday, December 30, 2006

Buying A Vintage Engagement Ring

If you are looking for an expensive vintage engagement ring to give to your beloved and you can afford to stretch your budget, then aim for the heavens and go for an antique vintage engagement ring. A vintage engagement ring is a huge investment - but one that your future bride will surely cherish forever.

So many choices: Solitaire diamond, pearl and sapphire, emerald , aquamarine, gemstone, filigree, diamond have all been used in vintage engagement rings and even eternity rings. You may also choose from an array of vintage engagement rings with unusual settings adorned with diamond and other gems.

Solitaire diamond rings come in all sizes and shapes. From the regular round rock to the solid square, and rectangles, solitaire diamond rings can look as unique as your loved one. It is sometimes better to purchase your diamond separately from the band and setting. This small step will ensure your purchasing good quality solitaire for your vintage engagement ring.

Generally, vintage diamond rings are available and affordable in Western countries. Jewellers will willingly assemble your own design, if the ring you want is not available or too highly priced. You can decide the rings design, working with goldsmiths and designers. With some intelligent choices you can have an exact replica of the ring worn by Madonna (an antique Edwardian three-stone diamond ring) or some other person you admire. In modern tradition, a vintage engagement ring is worn on the ring finger of the left hand of the woman to be married, indicating her engagement. It represents an official acceptance of the marriage proposal and a commitment to a future together. It is also not uncommon for a woman to buy the man a vintage engagement ring.

To acquire gems and create distinctive rings in which to set them, the purchase of your engagement and wedding rings is one of the most significant purchases you will ever make, both financially and emotionally. No other single piece of jewellery will ever be as important. No matter how successful you become, no matter how magnificent other jewellery purchases might be, nothing carries with it the same excitement and magic.Once jewellers see you are an informed diamond ring buyer, they cannot scam you into buying overpriced diamonds which are worth far less than the salesperson claims. When buying vintage engagement ring diamonds and wedding rings, you should go into battle educated and prepared. You should use your research of diamond pricing and sample printouts of similar competing diamonds in your size range from online sites. You should also have a good diamond buying book with lots of colour photos to help you spot fakes, and worthless diamonds.

A Fresh Look at Titanium Jewellery

Do you like collecting jewellery? I've been living with few jewellery collectors so I am pretty well aware of the routine and habits that go with it. I have seen it all, from white gold, to sterling silver, to yellow gold, to platinum. They all come in various shapes and sizes and frequently have decorations made of rare stones of all kinds. Those women just love having tons of jewellery. From my personal experience I know they never go with only a new necklace, bracelet or earrings; it is probably a pair of shoes and a matching handbag to go with it, as well.

Anyway, jewellery is one of the things that everyone around the world enjoys having. History shows that jewellery has been popular for centuries and my humble opinion is that it is not going out soon. Of course, jewellery has been changed a bit during the ages. For instance, there have been a few nuances in the classic spectrum of gold, platinum and pearls. Nowadays you can even purchase stronger form of jewellery. I suppose you've heard about jewellery made of true manly metals such as titanium. They are becoming more and more popular every single day.

Are you aware of titanium jewellery? Do you know anything about it? I personally know that there are some rings and bracelet constructed from this superior metal available on the market. Even though I am not fan of jewellery and I never approved men wearing jewellery that new titanium jewellery just caught my attention. I usually considered that a watch and a wedding band are more than enough jewellery for a man to wear. I thought that jewellery just like make up was meant for the softer gender.

Of course, I see many men who have chosen to have some more jewellery as there is such a variety of them created especially for the men of the world. I personally didn't even want to wear a wedding band as I didn't feel comfortable with it. However, when my lady and I decided to get married, I didn't have much choice. Then I started browsing the Internet for rings. I was amazed to find out that there was a whole new world out there. Titanium jewellery was offered all over the place. Once I set eyes on it, I knew that was the kind of jewellery I wanted to have.

I certainly didn't mind having to wear a titanium ring on my finger. I should admit that I have always been a huge fan of this particular steel. It is light but very resilient and strong. That's how I found the perfect jewellery for myself, one I grew very fond of. These days I always wear my titanium wedding band and I love the feeling. What is really great about titanium jewellery is that it doesn't get banged up like the gold and silver jewellery. If you also share my passion for titanium jewellery it is best to hop online check the latest deals.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Celebrity Style Wedding Dresses, Evening Dresses and Jewellery

Celebrities are continuously in the spotlight, dazzling and looking more and more glamourous thus making mere mortals drool and want to be like them. These days, brides want more than just 'trends' or 'designer' to be the reason for their choice of wedding dress or jewellery; they love to be inspired especially by a celebrity. Today's bride feels she would look her best of course ina dress that she'd be comfortable in and have always dreamed of, but all this is thrown our of the window the moment she finds a celebrity lookalike wedding dress.

Who could blame the bride, afterall celebrities have access to stylists who have researched the best from the best and model the best for the the world including the bride to see and drool over. Very few suppliers have taken note of this change and implementing celebrity style evening dresses, wedding dresses and jewllery in their line of stock. Today's bride is very demanding and will stop at nothing to get what she wants; she wants to make an amazing fashion statement, look her best on her wedding day, and what better way to do this than to play it safe wearing a celebrity lookalike wedding dress or jewellery.

There is also the confidence factor involved here; psychologically, anyone would feel a million dollars wearing something similar to that of a celebrity's, and what better time for this other than the day you want to look your best!

Designer dresses are definately still on the top of the list, but then all celebrities already go for dresses made by their favourite celebrities - the merging of these 2 forces is what makes the wanton of their dresses uncontrollable. In todays market, good suppliers will give you many choices; ranging form the value options, the small designer dresses, the most popular designer dresses such as gucci, versace, vera wang and then the celebrity lookalike dresses. Without any doubts the 'tag' celebrity lookalike often wins. Trends for wedding jewellery has changed quote a bit, more brides are kissing goodbye to stud earrings and splashing on chandelier earrings, dangling pearls, vintage stunners and more. It's no longer a 'classic style affair', brides are beginning to realise their potential; fearless, they choose what they like as opposed to what they have seen other people wear at their weddings. Celebrities have also helped make brides aware of the fact that they could be more adventurous when it comes to what they want to look like on their special occasion.

Ex Catalogue Return Stock Jewellery Low Prices

Buying jewelry wholesale is really quite easy. The Internet gives you access to all of the wholesale jewelry companies you could ever need to make your selections, so you can buy exactly what you want or need – at very competitive prices.

There is a difference between online jewelry stores and online wholesale companies. Online jewelry stores sell jewelry at retail prices, even though the price may be slightly discounted. Wholesale companies sell jewelry at wholesale prices – which of course are cheaper than retail prices. There are many sites where you can purchase directories of wholesale companies, but this really isn’t necessary. Just use a search engine like Google to find what you are looking for. If you are looking for an engagement ring at a wholesale price, for example, simply type ‘engagement ring wholesale’ into the search box – a whole slew of wholesalers who carry engagement rings will pop up in the search results.

Be aware that some wholesaler’s will only sell in bulk. Of course, if you just want to buy one engagement ring, you do not want to buy in bulk. But there are many companies that will sell just one item – you just have to look for them. If buying online isn’t what you are interested in, consider joining a discount club, such as Sam’s. Here you will find jewelry at deeply discounted retail prices, which is the next best thing to jewelry wholesale prices – but again, the wholesale prices will be lower. When dealing with an online wholesale company, you need to do several things. First, you want to be sure that you are buying the real thing.

There are many companies out there that will advertise that their jewelry is ‘authentic.’ Read the sales copy very carefully, and educate yourself quickly. For instance, beware of words like ‘gold plated’ or ‘realistic.’ This is an indication that the jewelry isn’t gold, or that stones are fake. Also find out if the company has a refund or exchange policy, as well as a 100% money back guarantee. This is important, and it will protect you if you find that you are not happy with the pieces you have purchased, or if they are of lesser quality than you expected.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

The story of the Star of David

Contrary to all beliefs, the common symbol associated with Judaism today, the Star of David, is a relatively new Jewish symbol. Magen David, as it is called in Hebrew, it is translated literally as the Shield of David. David was the youngest son of the shepherd Jesse of the tribe of Judah. He was known for his skills in both writing psalms and as a fearsome warrior. As a little boy he started with helping his father with attending the sheep that his father owned. But all that changed when king Saul, who summoned the little boy David to sing for him at his palace. He liked his performance and kept David as his personal musician.

The first display of David’s courage emerged when, as a young man, he confronted the nine foot giant Goliath of Gath armed with only a stick and a few stones. He stood before Goliath, when for 40 days experienced soldiers fled at the mere sight of the giant. With a slingshot he had made for himself and invoking the name of God, he threw a stone and killed the giant. It was then, when Saul made David commander of his troops.

David’s success in the battle against the Philistines aroused Saul’s jealousy of him, a jealousy that made Saul try to kill David. He tried to make peace with Saul, but when he saw that the king did not think of peace, he fled. During the period he was away, he gathered 600 men and, at one point, in a cave, crept up on Saul. He did not kill the king. Instead he confronted him. Saul admitted that David would one day be king and pled for mercy for his bloodline, which David promised not to wipe out. Saul didn’t stop pursuing David though. Later David joined the Philistine king of Gath Achish, under whose flag he raided the cities of the nomad that harassed the Jews. All the spoils he gained from those raids he gave to the people of Judah, who, in their gratitude for David’s cleansing of their desert harassers, remembered him. They later appointed David king.

After 7 and a half years of reign over the Jewish, David became king over all Israel and his first action was to capture what is now known as the City of David in Jerusalem. He fortified it and building a palace for himself. After he secured the kingdom, he wanted to build a temple to God, but the prophet Nathan told him he could not build the temple because he was a warrior and had shed blood and it was up to his son to build the temple. As he fought the neighbors of Jerusalem and his kingdom grew, he got older and the time for his son Solomon to reign over all Israel came. Solomon completed his father’s dream of building a temple to God.

The Star of David is the symbol that many believe to be the shape of his shield or the symbol he used to decorate the shields that he wore in battle. There is no record to show this assumption is correct. Some scholars give the Star of David deep theological significance, because they say that the top triangle points upwards towards God and the other triangle points down towards the real world. Others say that the three sides of the Star of David represent the three types of Jews: Kohanim, Levites and Israelite. Whatever the significance of the Star of David may be, it has protected this very strong and positive character in his most important life challenges. Therefore, the Jewish adopted it as well. In the 17th century, the Star of David was a popular way to identify synagogues, Jewish houses of worship, which had the symbol placed on the front entrance.

The Star of David became an official symbol for Judaism in 1897. The Zionist movement adopted it as an emblem, but the symbol was controversial for many years after. Even when the modern Israel was founded, there were long debates whether to use the Star of David on its flag or not.

If you are a Jewish believer or just like the shape of the symbol, or for any reason for that matter, you can always find the Star of David in the form of jewelry on the internet. You can purchase it in both gold and silver, in two dimension or three dimension form. Wearing the Star of David, you will probably be protected by God and the positive energy that has blessed David with a wonderful fulfilling life will work its miracles on you as well.

Sacred geometry in our lives

Referring to sacred geometry, we may define it as a belief according to which some of the fundamental forms of space and time, beginning with the most minuscule fragments in nature, embody spiritual values of their own. A second use of the term is that related to the ancient conviction concerning the significance of the geometry used in the configuration of religious architecture and in that of sacred art in general.

According to its first meaning, sacred geometry entails the assumption that in nature there are certain structures which follow geometrical archetypes - independently of their dimensions - and which serve as examples concerning the unavoidable connection between the part and the whole. As a consequence, contemplating the basic patterns of existence equalizes with contemplating the origins of all things, revealed this very way. This is also the reason why sacred geometry considers those basic patterns as sacred. By studying them one may attain precious information, esoteric knowledge we might say, thus experiencing and becoming aware of the most profound laws of the Universe.
There is an unavoidable analogy between every single natural pattern and at least one geometrical shape.

In what the second meaning is concerned, sacred geometry refers to a various range of universal aspects one may discover by means of geometry and mathematical relations derived from it. As a result, the sacred geometry constitutes the basis of reality and that of mathematics. Numbers represent the language of reality, but visible shapes are the ones to generate all the laws of physics. The final goal is proportioning spaces according to the geometry of nature. Following this principle, the sacred geometry had an important influence over the construction of churches and temples during the history.

Sacred geometry reflects the move of the Spirit through the void, being some kind of a guide of the steps needed to reach the three-dimensional world. The five Platonic solids (tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron) represent the basis of the material world; they are ideal and fundamental models having numerous forms of occurrence in the mineral world. These traditional geometric forms are actually attributed to sacred geometry. The ancient Greeks, for instance, used to associate each of the Platonic solids with a distinctive meaning, having the function of a symbol, as the numbers they represented also did, but even with a stronger emotional impact in this case; thus their use differed depending on the future purpose of every building.

Even nowadays geometrical shapes are considered as important symbols of different truths or spiritual beliefs. As an example, the circle is considered to be the symbol of the Universe, of unity, eternity and balance. So, sacred geometry also reveals itself through various kinds of talismans, objects that are believed to bring good luck. Wearing jewelry with the shape of a certain geometric symbol is many times viewed as having supernatural powers, protecting the owner or giving him capacities or powers like inner peace, courage, esteem, self balance… Talismans are always appreciated not only for their exterior beautiful aspect, as in the case of jewelry, but especially due to their positive energy and healing qualities.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Tibetan jewelry representing the eight auspicious symbols of Buddhism

The eight auspicious symbols of Buddhism, translated from the Sanskrit ‘Ashtamangala’, are very popular in Tibet and are used for Tibetan jewelry. It is said that Buddha didn’t like to be worshiped as a person and therefore he was reluctant to accept images of himself. Because of that he was mostly represented by the Eight-Spoked Wheel and the Bobhi Tree. Other signs were used in representing him also, like Buddha’s Footprints, an Empty Throne, a Begging Bowl and a Lion. The eight auspicious symbols are however the following: the Umbrella or parasol, the Golden Fish, the Treasure Vase, the Lotus, the Conch, the Endless Knot, the Victory Banner and the Dharma-Wheel (Dharmachackra).

The Umbrella or Parasol, translated from the Sanskrit ‘chattra’, symbolizes the sky the dome that lies above the mountain. Its most important function is to cast shadow, the shadow of protection upon oneself. As a traditional Indian symbol of royalty and protection, the umbrella is found in all cultures with a similar meaning. In Europe the umbrella was until recently a symbol of wealth reflecting one’s high social status. In Oriental cultures, the shade the umbrella casts took a religious note as the protection from the heat of suffering, desire and other forces harmful to the spirit. The vertical handle of the umbrella is compared to the central axis of the world, transforming its bearer into the center of the world. The umbrella is also compared to the mobile temple; therefore Buddha was often represented with a large umbrella over his head. Tibetan jewelry often represents the Buddhist symbol of the Umbrella.

Tibetan jewelry using the Golden Fish symbol is usually worn for good fortune. Positioned upright with their heads turned inwards, the two fish first appeared in the Indian culture as a symbol for the two sacred rivers Ganga and Yamuna. In Buddhism they symbolize happiness, fertility and abundance. The Treasure Vase symbol worn as Tibetan jewelry is meant to attract the infinite riches of this world. It consists of a fat-bellied vessel with a narrow and short neck, covered with a large jewel. It symbolizes endless wealth and prosperity. Tibetan jewelry representing the two Golden Fish and the Treasure Vase can make very nice and suitable wedding gifts representing only good wishes for the future family.

The Lotus flower is perhaps the most admired and worn symbol for Tibetan jewelry. The Lotus symbolizes the progress of the soul because of the way such a plant grows. The roots of a lotus lie in the mud, as the stem grows up to rise eight to ten inches above the surface of the water where the heavily scented flower basks in the sunlight. The beauty of the flower is extremely attractive and quite unusual due to the fact that it grows from the underwater mud. Therefore many people around the world want to be adorned with Tibetan jewelry that represents such amazing positive energy and power of life.

The Conch is a symbol for power, sovereignty and authority. The powerful blast that the conch makes when blown is believed to banish the evil spirits, to be able to stop disasters from happening and to keep away poisonous creatures. This symbol is rarely represented in Tibetan jewelry due to the fact that the actual conch shell makes a rather more powerful statement than a jewel representing it would.

The Endless Knot is one of the most favorite symbols in Tibetan Buddhism. It is often related to the endless wisdom of Buddh and it is also significant for the interaction of opposing forces leading to their union and harmony in the universe. The symmetrical shape of the knot signifies all these things and arouses the curiosity of those who are passionate about wearing Tibetan jewelry. Giving someone Tibetan jewelry representing an Endless Knot or giving away a greeting card with such a symbol on it signifies a connection between the giver and the receiver. It is also a reminder that the roots of every future positive effect are found in the present.

The Victory Banner symbolizes Buddha’s enlightenment and his knowledge triumph over ignorance. It is said that Buddha placed the banner on top of Mt. Meru to show the world his victory over the entire universe. The Victory Banner also signifies Buddha’s triumph over the four Maras of emotional defilement, of passion, of the fear of death and of pride and lust.

The Wheel is consistent of three basic components the hub, the spokes and a perfect circle. The first element symbolizes the axes of the world and stands for moral discipline while the spokes represent the eightfold path set down by Buddha and stand for the correct application of wisdom and the rim. The perfect circle, which represents the element of limitation, refers to concentration and holds the entire meditative practice together.

These symbols remind people to embrace change and be open to novelty, but never let go of positive values which never go out of fashion. Because of the message they send out to people, the popularity of Tibetan jewelry never diminishes attracting thousands of people to believe in Buddhism.

Talismans and their benefits

Talismans are small objects believed to have the magic power to protect and bring good luck and fortune to their owner. They are supposed to keep the evil away from the person who wears them, protecting him/her of any illness, accident, disgrace, misfortune etc. Talismans absorb positive vibrations of cosmic energy and transmit it to the owner, keeping him/her safe from negative energies at the same time. They are usually worn directly on the body, as pendants, rings or necklaces.

The English word for talismans comes from the Greek word telesma which has the meaning of sacred object or initiation into mystery. In order to gain their powers, talismans must be indeed consecrated during a special ritual. It is only through that ritual that they become charged with spiritual energy, gaining magical powers.

Talismans appear to be the most common kind of objects considered to have supernatural powers, worn as a charm against evil. In some societies, religious objects have almost a similar role of protection, the cross being the most common of them.

The preoccupation of men for amulets proves to be ancient. From early times people were interested in finding ways to understand and control the supernatural, to keep themselves away from harm. Some of the amulets used were even believed to have medicinal healing qualities, sometimes hung upon the bed of a suffering person in hope of his/hers recovery.

Often made of metal, talismans frequently feature symbols of sacred geometry - the belief in the spiritual power owned by the geometrical archetypes which we recognize all over in the nature around us – like pentagrams and hexagrams. The inscriptions and the shape of the amulet can be chosen according to the owner’s preferences, wishes and needs, each one of them having a special significance. One of the most commonly used sign is the pentagram, a five-pointed star, symbolizing the wounds of Christ and offering protection against the malignant forces.

Amulets may be also made of crystal or many others solid minerals, like quartz, onyx, amethyst, jade, moonstone, turquoise, famous for their healing qualities and capacities of channeling the positive energies, keeping people safe and offering inner peace and comfort.

A crucial factor in what the efficiency of talismans is concerned is the belief of the owner in their capacities. Thus, they have magical virtues and confer certain powers as long as the one who has them in his possession believes in their magical value of assuring protection against evil, attracting benefits, bringing luck and fulfilling wishes related to love, health, material profit etc.

Sometimes there are certain words, letters or numbers engraved on them, which have a symbolical and mystical value. All these factors, along with the shape they have and with the pictures on them, transform talismans into magical products charged with cosmic energy merged with astral influences.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Handcrafted Designer Jewelry Precious Gifts With An Artist’s Touch

Receiving a gift of fine jewelry is always appreciated, but handcrafted designer jewelry is an unexpected delight.

Handcrafted designer jewelry is a gift that goes far beyond simply being precious metals and gems. It is something unique and special that reflects the unique and special place the receiver holds in your heart. There is no gift that has the power to move a woman like a rare and individual work of art that she can wear close to her heart.

Every piece of handcrafted designer jewelry can truly be called artist’s jewelry because each piece is individually designed and crafted by hand by a talented artist with a personal vision that he or she has brought to life in rare metals and precious gems.

Artist’s jewelry must pass the same standards of fine jewelry you can find in any major mall, but goes far beyond them in both quality and distinctiveness. When shopping for a gift of jewelry, you can give that special person a piece that she might see on another woman at any time, or you can give her something that has been created for no one else but her.

Handcrafted designer jewelry can be refined and elegant, with South Sea pearls and 14 carat gold or contemporary and edgy, made of unusual metals and set with rare stones you might not find anywhere else. Artist’s jewelry’s value is not found in the materials themselves, but in that indefinable something that speaks to the soul when an artist has captured a mood or a feeling and translated it to a piece of gorgeous wearable art.

Skilled craftsmanship combines with artistic sensibility to create one-of-a-kind artist’s jewelry that enhances the beauty of the wearer. Each piece will reflect not only the skill of the designer, but the impeccable taste of the wearer. As a gift, handcrafted designer jewelry sets apart both the giver and the receiver as truly memorable.

An artist’s jewelry can be so many things. A delicate tendril of vines twining around the throat, each leave hammered and finished by hand. A bold, hand-polished cabochon stone channel set in platinum to draw attention to an unforgettable hand. A sleek curve of etched metal that clasps a wrist. Or an intricate, unforgettable pair of elaborately carved earrings set with a stardust sprinkling of precious stones. The one thing handcrafted designer jewelry will never be is ordinary.

Fine jewelry has the power to move through its beauty and its feel. There is nothing quite like the feel of cool, precious metal against the skin. The rich, textural details of artist’s jewelry delight the touch as well as the eyes. So give your loved one a gift as daring and unforgettable as she is – handcrafted designer jewelry unlike anything she has ever seen or touched – much like you.

Earrings Balancing Style With Beauty

Geometric shapes are probably the current choice of working person that is getting an outlet in the form of earrings. In any jewelry set the presence of necklace along with earrings is common. But as the choice of modern person is taking a u-turn, earrings are available as single piece also. The blue, black, red and white rings that pass through the artificially created small holes at the end of the earlobes highlight the face and produce a charming look. Person of all culture, tradition and values wear earrings to symbolize power and richness. Your make over is not complete without an earring hanging from the ears and catalyzing your beauty. Apart from the use of precious metals the fashion jewelry include earrings that are made up of cheap materials that may not speak of richness but expresses style. In the past earrings were something meant for both men and person. But now person takes more pride in wearing jewelry while on the part of the men this has become a passion for few. However, today men might not go for the rest of the jewelries but they hunt for trendy earrings. So, in a way this jewelry is for both the sexes. Handmade beaded earrings, diamond earring and gold earring are available in plethora of styles and colors. Working person generally prefers light earrings that are fashionable and cheap but can be worn with all sorts of casuals. This is possible as most of the jewelers are concentrating on the creation of fashion jewelry that uses cheap ingredients to create exclusive earrings. The earrings that were the imitation of gold and silver can also be used up with suitable outfit.

Ornaments have always fascinated person both in the past and in the present. The fashion conscious people of today want to look graceful and for that they try out several accessories. Only the fashion designer however can predict the right one. The designer jewelry also includes some of the exquisitely designed earrings of which you won’t get a second creation. Those who prefer to wear the gold and the silver items hate the law to a large extent as there is not provision to make copy right laws on the jewelries and they can get to see the imitation of their original earrings, necklace or whatever it is. Earrings dangles with vibrating colors, cylindrical yellow beaded earrings, polygon shaped wood etc. and all together gives a different presentation. And working person, who move out for work and due to security reason cannot go for precious earrings, prefers such fashionable ones. The idea of fashion has completely changed today. Previously only the precious metals and stones hanging from the two sides of the face used to symbolize richness but now they have nothing to do with richness but only with fashion. When fashion is the buzzword why not wear something cheap yet elegant. Designer jewelry is created keeping this concept in mind. If you get some of the designer items that are fashionable yet affordable, then you can buy a handful of sets that can be put on everyday by matching them with your apparels.

Vivace has a collection of some of the exquisite earrings that can make the person attractive and eye catching. Brow spheric wood earring is affordable yet beautiful. This type of earring can go best with skirts giving you a completely young look. Yellow bamboo earrings are comfortable for the ears as they are light and can go best with any chocolate colored cloth. They are cylindrical in shape. Two cylinders are generally hung with the wire but you can open one of them to make it simpler. The blue spheric ceramic earring is the brainchild of the Italian designers who have given it the shape. The earring is cyan in color and will go best with any purple colored dress. Young and charming look is every person’s desire and this multicolored hanging earring is going to fulfill that desire too. This earring is a combination of red and yellow and is very lively. Classical disc earrings speak some different story. This has been made by the combination of ceramics disc and beads. This can suit best in any formal events and office parties. Each of the earrings has their respective importance and they tell stories of their own. However, it has to be accepted that handmade earrings have a completely distinguished appeal than that of the machine made ones. The Italian designers are creating marvelous works on various metals to make designer earrings. Earrings can also be seasonal as in spring people love to wear colorful and junk earring; but during summer the opposite happens. If you are short of gift ideas then search for the designer jewelry where you can get suitable earrings. They are generally cheap and useful. Those of you who are brand and material conscious can take a tour of any of the diamond shop or gold shop and get a meticulously sorted out piece from there. Purchasing these designer items is so easy today and can be done by just clicking on the mouse. Earrings, even in the absence of the necklace can beautify you and this is such a casual wear that you can put on wherever you go. They can be in the hanging form or on the form of tops. Whatever it is the desire of looking young, modern and beautiful is gratified with stunning earrings.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Beauty in jewels for any style and season

For all times jewelry has remained the most desired gift for a woman. However, choosing an appropriate piece of jewelry isn’t easy despite a big amount of offered adornments. Some adornments suit for every day and are good for any dress and occasion – they are rather small and moderate, but elegant and always fashionable. Other ones are meant for celebrations – parties, anniversaries, weddings. This kind of jewelry is allowed to be more remarkable. However, the most expensive adornment doesn’t always mean the most suitable one.

The latter-date fashion is rich in the astonishing variety of designers’ know-hows. One can get lost while choosing jewelry from thousands of perfect examples of jewelers’ art. However, no matter what, you will never make a mistake if you choose classics. It has passed the most difficult test – time check-up. It includes chains plaited in all possible ways – the adornments offered by famous Coco Chanel and enthusiastically accepted by public that remain popular up to this very day.

Rings take a special part in jewelers’ art. They are worn by almost every woman. But are they really beautify? Indeed they are, if suit to a person’s style. Women of a small height with tiny hands would rather wear narrow rings with one or several small jewels. Rings with oval or pear-shaped gemstones visually make a hand more delicate and refined. Girls and young women are recommended to wear rings with one small jewel, for middle-aged women rings with bigger jewels or scatterings of tiny ones are preferred. For shorter fingers one shouldn’t choose large wide rings. It is not recommended to wear more than two rings.

Jewelry, as long as clothes, is meant for emphasizing all one’s benefits and stressing all attractive features. An appropriately selected jewel can attract attention to an eye color, necklaces or chains with pendants – to delicate neck skin. It is not recommended to wear a big amount of jewelry or adornments that disagree in style or color.

Jewelry is different for every season and occasion. In summer the choice of adornments is almost unlimited. However, in winter, clothes and jewelry should be more moderate and reasonable. The adornments for the winter season are not very remarkable – small clips or earrings to emphasize complexion would suit perfectly.

Diamonds and other jewels, pearls, golden and silver adornments look most impressive in the evening light. Large brooches, pendants, necklaces, big earrings, bracelets of various colors of shine perfectly combine with evening dresses. Sometimes a tiny piece of jewelry can change a person completely, if the adornment is stylish and correctly selected. Appropriate earrings create harmony between one’s figure and the shoulder line. Earrings with pendants or large and round ones are not recommended for women with broad face or glasses. Such kind of earrings would rather be worn by young and middle-aged women with oval face. Small flat earrings perfectly suit for round-faced women. Young girls would rather avoid large earrings.

A high-necked dress combines with either beads or earrings. For a lower-cut décolleté both kinds of adornments can be used.

Bracelets are usually worn on the right hand. Moreover, bracelets with jewels should fit tightly to the hand and the hoop-shaped or chain-shaped ones should be loose. For both hands only twin bracelets can be worn. Thin wrists can be beautified by a set of delicate bracelets. However, such kind of adornment isn’t the best choice for a woman with plump hands – it would hide all her attractive features.

On the whole, one can wear large and tiny adornments, a single one or a set of jewelry, colored and of various shapes, materials and combinations. There is only one condition – jewelry should be of impeccable taste.

However, this is only theory. While choosing jewelry, a man can hardly determine a personal style of a woman to select the best adornment. Here are several simple pieces of advice that can help you in this challenge:

1) Look and listen!

To understand what jewelry is preferred by a women sometimes a quick research of already existing adornments is quite enough. In that way, you can determine her individual style and understand which adornments are still lacking. For example, if your special person wears pearl necklace she will be happy to be presented with a pair of refined pearl earrings. You can unexpectedly show her pictures of jewelry and ask her about her likes and dislikes. Her answer will help you in your research.

To select a ring you can measure the diameter of her ring. That will be necessary for a shop assistant to offer the needed size.

If your special person has thin fingers then buy her a wider setting or smaller gemstone, as larger gemstones on thin settings will have tendency to twist and turn. If you are set on a larger gemstone then have the jeweler modify the ring with the addition of 2 small spheres of gold soldered at 8 and 4 o’clock on the inside of ring shank. This will allow the ring to slip over the knuckle but provide a tighter fit around the finger keeping the gemstone on top for everyone to see.

2) Appreciate her personality!

If she is a romantic kind of person, present her with a heart-shaped pendant, necklace or a ring with a heart-shaped gemstone. If she prefers classics or business style then an elegant diamond ring, a pair of refined diamond earrings or a flat-unit chain is the best choice.

Earrings are an excellent choice, but it is important to know if she has pierced ears or prefers clip-on mountings. Does she like long earrings or does she prefer studs.

But you can do even more than that! Sun, dolphins, butterflies and other beautiful shapes would be really appreciated by her. You would rather avoid ultrafashionable designers’ adornments or a just-for-a-party style since you are sure she would definitely like that.

3) Ask her friends!

Her sister, mother or friends can tell you about her likes and help you choose the best sphere for research. You can definitely ask her by watching what attracts her attention at the jeweler’s.

4) Do homework!

Knowing what colors she likes to wear can help you in deciding what color of gemstone would match her wardrobe, especially if its earrings or a necklace. Know her skin tone or dominant make up color as different colors of gold look better on different skin tones or make-up colors.

Your beloved one can be unsatisfied if you present her with a jewel that doesn’t agree with her horoscope.

Jewels and gemstones are believed to have special features and supernatural powers according to the Zodiac signs. They say, precious gemstones give magical protection to the people that have them as talismans. They help in achieving goals, granting wishes, protect from illnesses and misfortune.

Jewels are often involved in various legends, superstitions and beliefs. Only presented or bought jewels are considered to be true talismans.

Know about all dates that are important for her. Presents are not just for birthdays or Christmas – they are always welcome.

5) Present stylishly!

If you choose a pendant remember about an appropriate chain, so that she could wear it at once. You would rather pack it into a beautiful box and present it together with flowers. Romantic atmosphere would also be perfect for such occasion!

To be sure about the present for the next time you can buy a set of jewelry and present it in parts. For example, you can give her a ring for Christmas and the earrings from that very set – for the wedding anniversary.

6) And the most important one:

If you are still unsure about a gift – present her with a diamond ring.

Most of the women want a large diamond; remember that a larger diamond creates the illusion of power, wealth and influence. But to some women that may not be comfortable to wear. So it is always better for your special person to be humble with a smaller diamond which will not clash with her persona, something she may feel at ease wearing that is more humble to her soul. This will avoid a gaudy yet risky to wear ring also in fear of having it stolen. The size of the ring has to be decided as per the size of the finger also – the bigger the finger the bigger the diamond, the smaller the finger the smaller the diamond. Otherwise, the ring may once again look overawing unfit to her beautiful finger.

The Mane Thought: Let Your Hair Do the Talking

The face of fashion changes fast—what is in today, falls out of trend tomorrow. And there is only one way to keep pace with the current trends: be an early bird and catch on the new things off the fashion counter before they go stale. Here, we would mainly focus on the mane thought of fashion or the hair trends of today.

Some would drool over the hairdos of Angelina Jolie, some would secretly desire an Uma Thurman style, and some would die for a Jennifer Lopez hair statement, but no matter what you do and how much you envy your fave stars and their lovely tresses, best is to be one yourself. No kidding this—you can put the bang back in your hair with a bit of skilled handling and chic accessories.

Not surprisingly, there can be a lot to be done with long hair. But short-haired women can take heart too. For today’s fashion reserves trends for hairs of all lengths and bounce. The brilliantly gorgeous hair sticks or the elegant barrettes studded with stones and/or beads are a winning hair accessory for all occasions, be it a Prom night or a wedding gathering. You may also steal the limelight with the intricately-designed hair combs fitted with Swarovski diamonds. These are sure to add that much-needed pep to your locks. Or if it is a day occasion you are attending, you may just doll up your tresses into a loose bun and fix a trendy hair clip on it. Remember, sometimes less is more. Daytime dressing should be a little toned down in flavor.

For women with straight fine hair, bobby pins sure are a great choice. Touch up your hair with one or two of these pins and watch heads turn. Or you may also head for the hot headbands. Headbands have made a comeback in the fashion field and look quite smart in both long and short hair. The fashion corner has more in store: the cool ponytail holders with a cooler look nowadays. Over with the ordinary, today’s ponytail holders are not just for ponytails; these can also be worn on buns or chignons and pass with flying colors even in a black-tie event. Barrettes go with almost all hair types, while hair sticks look best in knots and twists. When nothing works, a hair knot would still be hot. And with a gracefully beaded hair stick to it, your updo is sure to sizzle the show.

In case you do not prefer the jazz and glitter of stones, you may go for the ethnic tribal jewelry that is yet another worthy addition to the fashion stores. A tribal motif embossed hair pin or a camel bone hair stick would not be just unconventional, it would look trendy and fresh.

The right hairstyle can change your entire look and the right hair accessory can give your hair the perfect combo of fashion and elegance. So now let your hair down and party!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Diamond Body Jewelry

Body piercing jewelry rapidly became a very popular category of jewelry. But with the growing demand of body jewelry and rise in quality standards, better materials like gold and diamonds are being increasingly used to make unique body jewelry. Diamond body jewelry is trendy, attractive and fashionable at the same time. It definitely is a trend setter and many stars and celebrities sport unique forms of diamond jewelry like diamond barbells, diamond navel jewelry etc.

Diamonds for Diamond body jewelry

The quality of diamond body jewelry is accessed by the jewelry style and more importantly, the diamond used just as with other jewelry. To assess the quality of the diamond body jewelry, you should know the Four C's of a diamond:

Cut of the diamond:

This characteristic determines a diamond’s facets and thus its brilliance. The cut of the diamond used in your diamond body jewelry does not concern the shape of the diamond really but more the uniformity of facets, design and placement of facets, its width and depth.

Clarity of the diamond:

Pure diamonds are perfectly clear. But, it is very difficult to find or afford such diamonds as most of the flaws are visible only through a powerful magnifying glass. Clarity is rated on a set scale so that each diamond can be compared to another without much technical knowledge at all.

Carat Weight of the diamond:

Carat weight partially determines the price of your diamond body jewelry just as the color and clarity play roles in the price. Naturally the carat weight refers to the actual weight and also the approximate size of the diamond.

Color of the diamond:

Diamonds are available in many different shades of color depending on the impurities it has. A pure diamond is colorless and transparent and high priced. Mostly the color range is from clear to yellow when talking about a genuine diamond.

Diamonds are known for their physical properties like:

Crystal structure

Diamonds have a crystal structure and consist of tetrahedral bonded carbon which gives it the kind of properties it has, such as hardness, toughness, and a high refractive index.


Diamonds are the hardest material known. They are used in industries for cutting and grinding as well as in diamond body jewelry worn by a beautiful woman. They can help in cutting, polishing and wearing away any other materials due to their own hardness. Diamonds are very suitable for making diamond body jewelry as they cannot be scratched, have a fine luster and maintain their polish for a long time.


The obvious toughness of diamonds virtually prevent its from breakage or damage.

High refractive index (i.e. high dispersion of light)

This property of diamonds gives it the luster and the gemstone sparkle characteristics.

Diamond Body Jewelry

Due to the above mentioned factors, diamonds have been increasingly used to make diamond body jewelry to adorn the body and enhance beauty like diamond nipple rings, diamond earrings, diamond barbells, diamond navel jewelry etc. Diamond body jewelry is a statement of elegance and fashion. Diamond body jewelry is a must have for all body piercing jewelry fans.

The Chain Gang has a huge collection of high quality designer diamond nipple jewelry, diamond navel jewelry and diamond barbells of all kinds.

# The diamonds used in our diamond body jewelry are shipped from diamond mines of South Africa, and all hand picked in the famous Diamond District of New York. These diamonds are then set into 14K nickel free yellow gold or white gold by our highly experienced jewelers and gemologists for making the most exquisite and unique diamond body jewelry pieces available.

# We prefer using high grade stones for making our diamond body jewelry. But, lower grades are also available.

# We are very quality conscious and thus, do not stock low grade stones at all, but will be happy to custom order them for you if needed.

# We can replace the cubic zircons in any of our 14K Gold pieces for genuine diamonds or any other genuine stone as well, such as Sapphire, Ruby, or Emerald.

Look for Conflict-free Logo: Identify Jewelers Committed to Fighting the Conflict Diamond Trade

There is a new way to identify online stores that deal only with “clean” diamonds. To find out in a glance whether an online jewelry store sells conflict-free diamonds only, costumers just need to look for a StopBloodDiamonds logo on the site’s homepage. Consumers are urged to buy only from stores with this logo since the logo serves as a guarantee that the online store do not sell conflict or blood diamonds.

The StopBloodDiamonds logo means that the online jewelry store sporting it is a member of the newly launched website, is a website whose members are composed of jewelers and jewelry store owners that adhere to the website’s policy of not buying or selling diamonds that do not carry warranties declaring them to be conflict-free. policies are in accordance to the policies and guidelines laid out by the Kimberly Process. The website was put up primarily to encourage jewelers and online jewelry stores to participate in the fight against the conflict diamond trade but also aims to aid consumers in their search for “clean” diamonds.

In case an online store does not sport a StopBloodDiamonds Logo consumers are advised to look for the store’s policy and determine whether the store has their own written policy regarding conflict diamonds. Jewelry stores that do not have a written policy or do not have StopBloodDiamonds Logo on their website should not be patronized by consumers.

The new step is simple. It only requires jewelers and jewelry store owners to sign up for membership at the Stop Blood Diamonds website. Membership is free but as mentioned earlier requires members to adopt the site’s policies against conflict diamond trade as part of their store policy. After jewelers and store owners have signed up, they then have the privilege of putting up a Stop Blood Diamonds Conflict Free logo on their websites. The easily identifiable logo will be an effective means for consumers to determine that website’s policies regarding conflict diamonds without having to search through it just to look for a written policy. This will also ease the minds of potential buyers who are becoming increasingly aware and educated about this extremely immoral trade practice.

For those interested in knowing more about acquiring the logo for their site you can visit StopBloodDiamonds and read more about the policies your store need to adopt to be able to join. Costumers can also visit the website to know more about conflict diamonds and what the diamond industry is doing regarding the issue.